In Nova Scotia we have a system of rating the rarity,or otherwise,of flowers using a colour coding system.
RED; Is when a wildflower is known,or thought to be at risk of becoming extinct.
YELLOW; Flowers with a rating of "yellow" are sensitive to human activity or natural events.
GREEN; Flowers that fall in to the category of "green" are thought not to be at risk.
BLUE; Unfortunately if a flower gains the status of "blue" it means that the flower is no longer in Nova Scotia
or it is extinct in the wild.
There are also four other categories that plants can be grouped in to;
UNDETERMINED; Flowers fall in to this category when there is insufficient information to assess the risk.
NOT ASSESSED; Where a plant is believed to be in the province but has not,as yet, been assessed.
EXOTIC; Classified as exotic when the plant has been introduced as a result of human activity.
ACCIDENTAL; Classified as such when a plant appears growing in the province that is out of it's normal climatic area.