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Rooted Oudemansiella,Oudemansiella radicata.


Rooted Oudemansiella, Oudemansiella radicata.

Mycology,the scientific study of fungi,is a relatively new science and is, as such,still evolving.If you have more than one mushroom field guide it is possible that you have come across a mushroom that has two different names depending on when the books were printed.

This makes it a very frustrating exercise for beginners and amateur shroomers. There  seems to be a constant need to move mushrooms from one genus to another.

Oudemansiella radicata is a case in point.Originally known as Collybia radicata it moved to the genus Oudemansiella(but retained the species name radicata). It's latest transformation has been in to the genus Xerula,but not content with placing it in a new genus it also gained a new species name furfuracea.

Years ago when mycology was still in it's infancy mushrooms were placed in a genus based predominantly on macro characteristics. This has since changed and mushrooms are  now placed in genera based primarily on microscopic characteristics,hence the need to move mushrooms from one genus to another.

So which name should we use to describe "our" mushroom?.Personally, I am stuck with remembering the name Oudemansiella radicata which is difficult enough to remember without trying to get my tongue around Xerula furfuracea!

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Rooted Oudemansiella, Oudemansiella radicata.

Rooted Oudemansiella, Oudemansiella radicata.

Oudemansiella radicata.20.5"=520.7mm long.

What made the mushroom above so interesting for me?

Usually when you try to detach the stalk from it's substrate it will normally break because the stalk is quite brittle. This particular specimen was growing from within a very well rotted stump. As I reached down to try and detach it at it's base I was very surprised that when I gave it a firm pull it came away in it's entirety. It measured 20.5 inches (520.7mm),a monster! The length of the stalk on an average O.radicata is about 2-8 inches.

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